Posted by : Sudhir Chekuri Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Language Independency

.NET applications can be developed using any of the programming languages that .NET supports. This feature is known as language independency.

Language Interoperability

The IL(Intermediate Language) code generated from one .NET language can be reused in any other .NET languages. This is known as language interoperability.

C#.NET code ---(csc)----> MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate language code)

VB.NET code ---(vbc)----> MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate language code)

C#.NET code is converted into intermediate language code using CSC( C Sharp compiler) and VB.NET code is converted into intermediate language code using VBC( Visual Basic compiler).

MSIL code created from one language can be used in other language.

Platform Independent

In .NET twice compilation takes place. First source code is converted into Intermediate language code using language compilers. Then IL code is converted into machine dependent code using CLR(Common language runtime

Memory management

.NET Framework's garbage collector is used for automatic allocation and clearing of memory.
Easy development and deployment

Using Visual Studio and class library .NET applications can be easily developed and deployed.

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