Posted by : Sudhir Chekuri Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Security manager

It validates the user while using assemblies.

JIT Compiler

Converts MSIL code to native code.

Memory manager

Allocates necessary memory for objects and variables.

Garbage collector

Automatically destroys unused memory of objects. Available in C# and JAVA but not available in C and C++.

Exception manager

Run time errors are handled by redirecting to catch block.


CTS and CLS are parts of .NET CLR and are responsible for type safety with in the code. Both allow cross language communication and type safety.

{ 1 comments ... read them below or add one }

  1. I guess the purpose of security manager is to provide security to the OS making sure that the process is not accessing any core binaries of the OS kernel. Direct access(Without Security manager)to the critical OS files can crash the system.



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