Posted by : Sudhir Chekuri Thursday, 29 October 2015

Web hosting plans:

One azure subscription can have one or more website plans.
One azure subscription can have one or more resource groups.
A resource group can have virtual machines, websites,...
Azure websites deployed into the same subscription, resource group and geographic location can share a single web hosting plan.
Each Azure Website sharing a web hosting plan can leverage all the capabilities of that plan.
In azure portal by selecting websites from left pane - Click on website - Under scale tab - you can select web hosting plan mode.

Link for : How Azure pricing works?

How website works?

When first time the application(Website) is request it doesn't have information about the location of the application. Then request is delegated to the web worker. Then web worker will grab information from all locations like hosting sites DB, storage controller and site's content DB and gives response back to the IIS Application Request Router and then web page is given back to the user.
From the second time it has information in cache about where the application is located i.e., in which web worker.

Hot website: One website is hosted in a physical machine in one web worker. If one web worker goes down it you cannot get response for your application.

If your website is hosted in more than one physical machine(Web workers). Then if one web worker goes down the request is redirected to other web worker which will grab resources from other physical locations available.

Scaling: With shared plan your website is deployed to two different servers(Instances) and the requested are shared among the instances which is known as scaling.

Scaling can be done by Scaling Up or Scaling Out.
Scaling up: Increasing processing power or resources of an instance is known as scaling up.
Scaling out: Increasing number of instances or servers is known as Scaling out. This helps in sharing the request coming in for the application by different servers.

There are two types of instances:

1. Shared Instances
  - Free plan
  - Shared plan
2. Reserved Instances
  - Basic Plan
  - Standard Plan

In Reserved Instances(Basic and Standard)
In Reserved Instances IIS will be in Always on mode i.e., it is always in active state and waiting for giving immediate response for the request. By default, IIS will not be active for more than 20 minutes there is no request coming to IIS.
In shared plan you are scaling out to multiple dedicated compute instances in which other websites are not hosted other than your application.
SSL certificates, Web sockets and SLA 99.9% features are available.

In Standard plan
Scale out to up to 10 dedicated compute instances.
Bacups, Autoscale, Azure Scheduler, Staged Publishing is available.
Scaling up can be done by creating small, medium, large instances also by increasing, RAM and CPU Cores.

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  1. Nice information, thanks for providing for more updates and more knowledge. Get touch with Azure Online Course



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