Posted by : Sudhir Chekuri Friday, 3 January 2014

You can change the theme of visual studio  and you can also create you own custom theme for your visual studio.

Roaming settings can be saved and applied to your visual studio by signing in using live account.

shortcut to organize code
alt + up arrow will take your code one line above
alt + down arrow will take your code one line down

you can use the search textbox at the top of visual studio to search for the options in tools to change ide options.

flag button is used to show the notifications about the updates.

you can use an option - don't copy blank text so that ctrl+c will not work if you select no text.

you can the change the selected text color in code editing window.

on the right side you can see the yellow bar which displays all the unsaved code in your code window to check easily by displaying code on mouse hover

ctrl + k + d to arrange the code in order.

Now you can do something while your build is running.

f12 will take you to the definition ie., go to definition and alt+f12 will display the definition right in the location where you have method name.

 ctrl+i is for incremental search which is used to search when you are typing the chars in search box.

In console application output screen right click on the icon to go to properties where you can change the colors, fonts and lot more.

If your cursor is inside the parenthesis you can press tab key to come out of one brace at a time.

ctrl + k + c to comment
ctrl + k + u to uncomment

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