Posted by : Sudhir Chekuri Friday, 27 September 2013

Windows store app has to created for desktop, laptops and arm devices like tablets.

On the right side we will have charms. In charms first one is search charm which is used to search everywhere or in a specific app.
share charm is used to share content with other apps by selecting the specific application with which you want to share.
devices charm is used to access devices.
settings charm have options to configure.

Windows store apps are different from windows applications. They will occupy full screen, two apps cannot overlap each other.

We can see live tiles on the start screen which displays information about updates coming from the apps.
They invites users to interact with the apps by displaying some important and interesting information.
Tiles contains logos of the apps and they are the starting point to launch the app.

If it takes more than 5 seconds to launch the app it will be terminated after showing the splash screen.
Splash screen the first full screen image displayed when you click on the tile of an app.

Navigation in your app is done using navigation bar. Navigation bar is present at the top of the app which comes out with a mouse right click on with a swipe from the top edge.

App bar is used to display commands of the app in the bottom edge of the app. It contains context based commands and global commands. Global commands are displayed on the right side of the appbar whereas the context based commands are displayed on the left side of the appbar.

Windows store apps will not display all the content directly on the app. It should be clean with data which is required and the unnecessary data should be displayed when user navigated to that page.

Toast notifications are the messages which displays some important messages. They are also know as push notifications and this can be done using windows azure.

File picker is used to select files from the system or from other locations. Native file picker allows the user to select a file from hard disk or skydrive.

You can store data, settings and files in roaming folder which is a magical space in cloud that sync data in all devices and anywhere.

Every app will have app manifest file in which all the capabilities has to mentioned. It says where your app is using web, camera, ...

Windows design language is recommended but sometimes it is optional when you a good reason to violate them.
It is used to design your apps to give excellent and clean view same as windows 8 operating system.
Do more with less and give the enough room for the content to breath, Create good experience along with good gui, fast and fluid is required for every app which can be done using windows 8 default animations, Digitialization is required in design to explain more with simple 2d designs,

Windows store apps can be uploaded to store to make it visible to the world in the online store for every user who is using windows 8 and 8.1 operating system.

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