Archive for November 2015

Microsoft Business Intelligence (MSBI) Part -1 Introduction

What is Business Intelligence?

Most companies have plenty of data but not always the right data.
Data is not information. Data is often spread across heterogeneous systems and is not consistent across those systems.
Business Intelligence(BI) is the process of turning data into information so business can make better decisions faster. The process often involves consolidating data from different data sources and using tools to view the consolidated data. It helps as a decision support system and to easily access the data.

BI is an extension of Data Warehousing. Data warehousing is the process of taking data from one or more sources and consolidating it. Once the data is in a warehouse, a variety of tools can be used to view and analyze the data.

Data mining is a process of using statistical algorithms to
- Identify relationships between data elements
- Find trends in the data
- Forecast future performance
- And so forth

Users of a BI Solution
- Nearly anyone in an organization can benefit from a BI solution, including:
- Executive and business decision makers
- Information Workers
- Analysts
- Line Workers
- Even external vendors and customers
These users often need to interact with the data in different ways.

A single BI Solution can often deliver data to a wide variety of users throughout an organization.

BI is all about helping organization decision makers to take decisions using existing data.
Using BI we can create scorecards and dashboards.
Scorecards give an overview of the health of an organization in a single glance.
Dashboards contains one or more scorecards and other elements such as reports.

Information workers are non-management professionals. These workers typically need more detailed access than executives and business decision makers. Reports can often satisfy the needs of information workers.

Reports may be based on multidimensional cubes or a relational data warehouse.
Reports may be static or have some interactivity
- Reports may contain parameters the user can select,
- Reports may allow for limited drill up and drill down capabilities.

Analysts are a special group of information workers.
Analysts need powerful tools to explore the data in depth.
Analysts typically examine the data in detail and may employ data mining.

Analytic application provide rich access to the data. Analytic applications include:
-PerformancePoint Server

Line workers are those on the front lines, such as:
- Clerks in stores or in call centers
- Manufacturing employees on the shop floor
These workers may use BI data as part of their daily work without realizing it.

Custom Application Integration:
BI data can be leveraged in custom applications.
This extends the power of a BI solution to line-of-business applications.
Microsoft BI data is easily accessible to .NET developers for integration with web and windows applications.

External Customers and Vendors:

A BI solution may provide access to external users.
In nearly every case this access comes via Web interfaces.
Web interfaces to BI data can be provided by:
- PerformancePoint Server
- ProClarity Analytic Server
- Excel Services
- SQL Server Reporting Services

Thursday, 26 November 2015
Posted by Sudhir Chekuri
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Microsoft Azure Part - 4 FTP deployment of Azure sites using Filezilla

In azure portal - Click on Web apps tab from left panel - Select the website for which you want to deploy files through FTP(File transfer protocol).

Under dashboard tab - Click on setup your deployment credentials link to create ftp credentials for the first time. From second time you have to click on reset your deployment credentials.
Credentials will be username and password that can used in FTP client to connect to azure server to upload files.
Now on the same page at the bottom right side you can find ftp host name and ftp username which are required to connect to server.

Download and install Filezilla (free ftp client software) to connect to azure server.
In filezilla enter 
host name
and password.
Click on quick connect to connect to remote server and the files in remote server will be displayed in the below right side panel.

You can directly drag and drop from local site (Your system) to remote site (Azure server location).
Place files in wwwroot folder in server(/site/wwwroot).

Make sure that the startup page configured is present in your site to open as start up page.
Deploy the files and refresh your azure site to see the updated changes.

This process works for deploying PHP, wordpress and other sites as well.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Posted by Sudhir Chekuri

Microsoft Azure Part - 3 Portal Management Configure Setting of web app

In Microsoft Azure portal you have to login with valid credentials after creating free azure account using credit card details.
Using this portal you can manage cloud services.
On the left panel you can see all available services.

Click on the web application name to view all settings related to selected web app.

In general group under Configure tab you can see general settings that let you configure your web app's environment. These are the IIS settings which has default settings but can be customized based on requirements.

Managed Pipeline mode
  • Integrated mode allows IIS to process requests in the application pool by using the IIS 7 and later integrated pipeline. This allows ASP.NET modules to participate in IIS request processing regardless of the type of resource requested.
  • Classic mode uses the IIS 6.0 processing pipeline for hosting ASP.NET applications. In this mode, requests are processed initially through IIS 7 and later modules, and ASP.NET requests are further processed by the aspnet_isapi.dll.
For more details about Managed Pipeline mode Click here

Platform: 64 bit address is more faster, secure, 32 bit is default option.
You can specify a 64-bit system only in Basic or Standard mode.
Click here for more information about Platform

Web Sockets: It is a protocol that makes interaction between server and browser without full post back from server.
It provides ability to create chat applications and games.
This concept is supported in latest browser but should be available in server side as well.
Click here for more information about web sockets

Always on: After 20 seconds services are off to save resources. But this new always on feature pings server regularly and make it warm and on all the time for providing quick response.

Certificates: It allows you to add SSL certificates.

Domain names: It allows you to add one or more domain names which may contain primary and secondary domain names as well like,,

SSL Bindings: Already added SSL certificates has to be bind to a specific ip address or domain name using this feature.

Application diagnostics: 

If you on Application logging you can monitor health of application. Logging level can be error, warning, information and verbose.
We have other two options like logging in Table storage or blob storage to save data in that location.

Site diagnostics:

Every request can be logged using web server loggin. You can also set the amount of detail you want to record.
Failed request tracing to see the record of issues.
Click here for more info about failed request tracing
Remote debugging: To debug code in remote machine
Click here for more info about remote debugging


To ping the azure site to make sure that it is running by configuring endpoints.

Developer analytics:

For monitoring performance of application using third party tools. You can get metrics and  more.

App settings:

This is the private information which shouldn't be hard coded in the code. Service or code administrator can set up this using portal also. These are mainly Social logins, connections strings,..

Connection strings:

Database connection strings containing sql server database connection server, database information which can be added  here to use it in the application.

Default documents:

To add start up pages for web application.

Handler mappings:

IIS settings used to bring own runtime to azure by writing some scripts.
click here for more info about handler mappings

Virtual applications and directories:

Used to map physical path to a virtual path.
If you a very long path which you want to map to easy path you can use this option.

Posted by Sudhir Chekuri


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